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Preseli Bluestone...Embodies A Strong Shamanic Merlin Energy

Preseli Bluestone is the same stone that the ancient stone monoliths at Stonehenge are made from. This is a powerful variety of stone that has a number of excellent attributes that Sue Lilly and Simon Lilly share in their book Preseli Bluestone: Medicine Stone of the Ancestors.
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According to the Lilly's, Preseli Blue Stone has a powerful vibration, giving focus, stability and anchors one to the Earth’s energy.  The Blue Stone also is a powerful connector with the Earth Star Chakra, helping to connect you with the Earth. It resonates with Ley Lines and can aid in alignment with Earth’s energy grid. It is helpful for past life work and acts as a doorway to different realms (very useful for working with one’s ancestors!). Its healing functions are that it relaxes, energises and focuses healing on the ears, nose and throat. It helps you to gather your thoughts and is an excellent grounding stone. 
Preseli Healing Functions:
  • Powerfully gives a magic aura, giving focus, stability and anchoring into the Earth’s energy 
  • Helps with travelling beyond time/doorways to different dimensions
  • Helps connect with distant past/links to other lifetimes
  • Cuts through emotional entanglements
  • Is an energy enhancer
  • Provides protection on all levels
  • Aids you to speak your truth
  • Helps you focus, clearing your mind of trivia so intuitive knowledge comes
  • Is an emotional stabilizer helping you release old attachments and feelings 
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Preseli Bluestone is thought to connect and strengthen the electrical impulses within the human body, particularly those within the heart. The stone can also connect and link these impulses with the electromagnetic field of Earth – a bit like building a direct road between the planet and our heart centre.

In addition, Preseli Bluestone can be most beneficial for clearing issues within the throat chakra, enabling communication and allowing us to convey our material/basic human needs.
Healing session:
  • Enhance your psychic gifts and find more joy in your spirituality
  • Feel deeply connected in the earth and open to universal vibrations
  • Explore your recent past as well as past lives to find healing and wisdom
  • Face current challenges with serenity, courage and mental flexibility
  • Let Preseli connect you to your own powers of enchantment!
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The products and services provided on this web site are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any physical problems or medical conditions. Information on this site is intended for educational purposes only. The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA, and as such, shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise. This information/technology is for investigation use only.
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